Stand for Your Rights


John Moore – Getty Images

Erin Lennon

Every morning, I wake up in a country that has protected my rights since the day I was born. I never had to fight for my right to go to school, my right to express myself, or my right to speak. And every morning, I join the millions of Americans who pay respect to the country and the men and women who have fought to protect us by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Every morning around the world, young people wake up in countries that have limited their rights. School is a privilege, reserved for upper class boys. The rest of the population is expected to be unseen and unheard throughout the day. I would be expected to follow my parents dutifully, doing chores for my mother and asking permission for nearly everything from my father or brothers.

Every day, I’m thankful to live in the greatest country in the world. And many days, I am puzzled by those who refuse to stand for the Pledge. Do you not have any respect for those who died protecting your rights? Do you not feel safe, secure, and free in the United States? We are not a perfect country, but I challenge you to find a country that has fought for the rights of the individual more than the U.S.A. We should all stand for the Pledge, not because we are blindly following a creed set before us by our country, but because we want to thank our country and those who have served to protect our rights.