February 7, 2025
Roderick Cassidy, Zoe Juncaj, and Jaylin MoralesFebruary 7, 2025
Kaitlin Whalen, Sports WriterFebruary 7, 2025
Brissia Portillo Giron, ColumnistFebruary 7, 2025
Isabella DePaola and Alexandra Bicserdy

All photos by William Tierney This year, almost 200 motivated and determined cadets, many of them freshmen, stood proudly at attention as...

Filling in the Blanks and Bear Essentials are two of the many non-profit organizations dedicated to ensuring that low-income families have regular...

With the United States having just experienced some intense political campaigning, we have now wearied that fateful day on the calendar that...

Division is the hinge between everything and nothing. It separates the world into categories that, on the surface, make everything clearer, more...

As our current election season comes and goes, it is key to understand the importance of civic engagement, the checks and balances that control...

With college application acceptances rolling in, now is a more urgent time than ever to decide your major. Choosing a college major is one of...

They put in the work, and now they are reaping the rewards. BHS graduates of the class of 2024 are headed to great and exciting places! As always,...