Ask Luna – Our Advice Column for Readers: Zoom Fatigue, College Anxiety, and Romance

Ask Luna - Our Advice Column for Readers: Zoom Fatigue, College Anxiety, and Romance

Dear Luna,

The hybrid learning schedule has been really difficult for me to manage. It’s really difficult to focus on Zoom lessons, especially because they’re so long! It’s hard to stay focused when I’m not sitting in a classroom. What should I do to focus on school?

Thank you,

Zestless Zoomer


Dear Zestless Zoomer,

I’m with you here— taking classes online is hard! I don’t know how our fully remote friends do it…

It is hard to sit through hour long periods, but the nice thing about this schedule is that we only do half-days. While I’m sure you have homework, a job, and other things to manage, the half-day schedule hopefully also allows you at least an hour a day to rest. Schedule a break in your day between all the craziness where you can watch an episode of your favorite show, play your favorite game, or take a nap.

Do your best to pick an isolated spot to take your Zoom classes. It might even help to put your phone in a different room! If you do zone out for a bit, be sure to go to your teacher’s office hours and get some clarification on what you may have missed. They’ll be excited to see you: trust me. Nobody ever goes.

We’re all having trouble, but it’s important to find a system that works for you. I wish you the best of luck!




Dear Luna,
I’m a senior this year, and I am freaking out. There are a lot of colleges out there, and I’m really terrified of picking the wrong one! How do I know which college is the perfect fit for me?
Stressed Senior


Dear Stressed Senior,

If I could tell you all the people I’ve talked to who are asking themselves the same thing, this response would be the whole newspaper. It happens every year. College is scary. And stressful. And confusing. I mean, why are there so many colleges? How is anyone supposed to just pick one?

One of the things I’d recommend you do is put it into perspective. How many people have gone to college before you? A lot. How many people do you know who have been to college? I bet at least a few. And they’re mostly fine, aren’t they?

The other thing is this— it’s really not bad to transfer. I know people who have done it, and I’m sure you do, too. I think there’s a massive taboo on transferring colleges, like if you do it you’re admitting defeat.

Yeah, it isn’t actually like that. Everyone I know who’s transferred schools is way happier at their new school than they ever could have been at the other one. Is transferring the most amazing and exciting and fun thing you’ll ever do? Doubt it. But will it be better in the long run? Probably.

My point is that you’ll probably be okay in the first place, but even if you aren’t, you aren’t just permanently trapped in a suffocating school. So take a few breaths, and do your best to pick what feels right. If it isn’t right, that’s a problem for later, and you can handle it if that day does come.




Dear Luna,

My partner and I are looking at very different colleges, and I don’t know what to do! If we’re nowhere near each other, how is a relationship going to work? Should we stay together and do long distance? Should we stay together just for the rest of senior year? Should we just break up right now so we don’t get too attached?

What do I do?????????

Restless Romantic


Dear Restless Romantic,

Slow down, you’re spiraling! I think that this is a problem a lot of couples encounter when they get closer to college, and one that may have already come up for some couples trying to stay together through quarantine! You’re already at something of an advantage over couples in past years because you may already be doing some kind of long distance…social distancing and a lot of digital dates.

Ultimately, it’s a decision that’s personal to you and your relationship. It’s not an answer I can give you— it’s a conversation to open with your partner. If you two both feel confident in the strength of your relationship and want to give it a try, then that’s awesome. If one or both of you feel like it would be difficult to maintain a relationship over a long distance, or that it might create jealousy or trust issues, that’s cool, too. Maybe it won’t be a great conversation. Maybe it won’t go the way you want. But isn’t that better than driving yourself crazy about it?
Talk about it. Talk about if you want to stay together for college, for the year, or if you think it’s better to part amicably now. I believe in you!



Ask Luna (a pseudonym for this columnist) is an advice column to advise people on how to deal with their concerns and issues in the most positive way possible. I try my best to ensure that they will make decisions that will help them move forward on the right path. I hope you will write to me, in confidence, seeking my guidance. Just a reminder: I will not disclose any information sent to me. What you write will always remain anonymous. I encourage you to be creative with your usernames and send feedback so that this column will be successful in helping those who seek advice. You can email me at [email protected] or drop a note in our standing metal mailbox outside of the English office. I look forward to reading your letters.

PEDIR Luna es una columna de consejos para asesorar a las personas sobre cómo tratar mejor sus preocupaciones y problemas.​ Yo hago mi mejor esfuerzo para asegurarme que tu tomes la decicion correcta, ayudarte a avanzar de manera positiva. Yo espero que tu me escribas con confidencia, pidiendo mi ayuda. Un recordatorio, yo no voy a revelar ninguna información que me envies. Lo que tu escribas siempre va a ser anónimo. Te animo a que seas creativo con tus nombres de usuario y envíes comentarios para que esta columna sea exitosa para ayudar a quienes buscan consejos. Correo electrónico a [email protected].
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