Insider Reflections on a Memorable Season of Bears Football

Insider Reflections  on a Memorable Season of Bears Football

Jack Guida, Nick Leahy, and Connor Dignan

Jack Guida

My senior year of football will definitely be the most memorable one.  My senior year of football will definitely be the most memorable one.

There’s nothing like the atmosphere on a Friday night under the lights while the whole school and community watches. Finishing our season 8-1 and winning the league is definitely something our team took pride in and we had a lot of fun doing so. We developed our own traditions that are special to high school football. Our team would eat together the night before every game and we’d get milkshakes from the same restaurant. We always had each others’ backs and we treated the team as a family, which is what led to the success of our team.

After the last game I played as a Bear, our team lined up in front of the Bears’ Den for the playing of the Alma Mater

one last time. This is when it truly hit me that I will never again play with the same group of guys and for the same fans. My experience playing Varsity football is one of the greatest I have had in my life and I am thankful for every second of it.


Nick Leahy

My senior season was definitely one to remember. This year we went 8-1, but in my opinion, I think we should still be playing. We were undefeated League Champs,that’s truly something I’m proud of. I could not have asked for a better team. We never gave up, no matter what happened or what the score was. We went into every game confident that we would win even when the odds were stacked against us. In football, they say your team is like a band of brothers, That could not have been more true for this team. We are brothers on and off the field.  My senior season was definitely one to remember. This year we went 8-1, but in my opinion, I think we should still be playing. We were undefeated League Champs,that’s truly something I’m proud of.

I could not have asked for a better team. We never gave up, no matter what happened or what the score was. We went into every game confident that we would win even when the odds were stacked against us. In football, they say your team is like a band of brothers, That could not have been more true for this team. We are brothers on and off the field.  I could not have been prouder of this team this year. In our final game against Somers, when they got the ball to our one yard line with onl

y seconds to go, we knew defeat was imminent but we kept fighting. When that final whistle blew, my teammates and I couldn’t help but cry, As we stood in front of our amazing student section while the Alma Mater was played, the thought most prominent in my mind was that this would be the last time playing on this field with my brothers in front of our loyal fans. I will never forget this season and all we accomplished.

I love my team, I love our fans, and I love this town!

Go Bears!!


Connor Dignan

I enjoyed every second of my senior season. Through the ups and the downs, I soaked it all in with my teammates. Going to Eveready the day before the game to get milkshakes, and then going back to Brian Milano’s house to watch Friday Night Lights are memories I am never going to forget.  I enjoyed every second of my senior season. Through the ups and the downs, I soaked it all in with my teammates. Going to Eveready the day before the game to get milkshakes, and then going back to Brian Milano’s house to watch Friday Night Lights are memories I am never going to forget.

Still, ending your high school football career is weird. To think I’ll never run across the field to the Bears’ Den, or hear Mr. Wood’s distinct voice call my name again is something that is very sad to comprehend.

In football you can’t just get a group of people together and play a game, like you can in other sports. When that final buzzer goes off, it’s done. That’s why after everyone else had left at the end of the final game, some of my teammates and I stayed behind. We walked to the 50 yard line to soak it in one final time. As I walked off the field I thought to myself, I’m gonna miss the lights.