Ask Anaya – Our Advice Column for Readers: Overwhelmed, Socially Unnoticed, and Sinking Fast


Dear Anaya,
I am a junior now, and I’ve been hearing that the workload is going to increase as the school year goes on. I’m currently playing soccer and plan to play basketball as well in the winter, but I’m afraid I won’t have any time. I want to join clubs to get community service hours, and I have a lot on my plate. I’m not sure if it is a good idea to do everything at once, but I don’t want to have to rush to fulfill my community service requirements and extracurriculars senior year. Is there any easy way to do all the things I need/want to do?

Dear Anon,
It is AWESOME that you are planning to include yourself in so many activities! Though an excessive amount of extracurriculars may take away from your studies. In that case, it is important to consider which of those curriculars bring you joy! Never include yourself in anything that poses unnecessary stress, at this point in your life (high school), you are to learn, think, and experience life to the fullest of your ability!

“But what about colleges?” What about them? Everything you do is for YOU, why not make it bearable? By exerting so much energy in multiple different clubs and sports, you will not have time to complete your studies and have free time! So sometimes, less is more. Being in fewer clubs that sparks/enhances your interests will improve your work ethic, and desire to complete all the extra tasks that come with your clubs!

  1. Prioritize your interests, and stay in the clubs that target your strength!
  2. Make sure you can do homework AND have free time; clubs should not take up more time than your schoolwork for reference.
  3. If your tasks have the potential to take up more time than your studies, space out your duties.
  4. Always check-in with yourself in order to see if you are still able to balance your lifestyle.

Overall, be sure that you have enough time to decompress and find pleasure while still fulfilling your academic responsibilities. Your happiness comes first, then school, then clubs. Keep that one in mind!


Dear Anaya,
As a new student in the school, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to make any new friends. Coming to a new school as a teenager, it seems like everyone is set with their friends, where/how do I fit in?

Dear Anon,
Thank you for reaching out! Although yes, people may be set on their friends, it doesn’t mean there isn’t room for more! As high schoolers, friendships change, personalities shift, and even mindsets grow in different directions! That’s the beauty of life; everything happens for a reason. You may find yourself a (larger) opening upon seeing others’ interpretations of others change, maybe they’re open-minded, or realize that their “friends” are not compatible or healthy for them.

A way to get yourself out there is by joining clubs and sports! A bit self-explanatory, I know, but finding those who have the same interests as you does wonders! Fortunately, we are lucky enough for our student body to consist of kind, outspoken, and courteous people. That being said, there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll find a friend, who can help you expand your social group!


Dear Anaya,
It’s only the first quarter, and I am not doing too well in my classes. I’ve stayed for extra help but I can’t seem to grasp the information, any tips?

Dear Stressed,
Staying for extra help is wonderful! Many people do not use that resource at all, though personally, it has done wonders.

What’s helped me the most, is working one-on-one with my teachers. So I’d highly recommend setting up a time with them, whether that be during lunch, a study hall, or consistent questions in class, allowing them to understand questions specific to you helps the both of you. It is important to be fully transparent, and to continue stating your confusion, even if it has been explained to you multiple times. Even in class, ask all the questions you need. You may feel annoyed, but teachers love it. Regardless, this is YOUR education, so you should take advantage and do all you can to clear up any questions you may have! Trust me, they’d rather do their job and help you feel confident in that subject rather than you being confused and doing poorly on exams.

Another resource is peer tutoring! Listening to your peers who have taken the class provides a different perspective in the skills used to retain the information. They can give you personal tips and tricks while reaching you on a more relatable level, allowing you to open up about your confusion more if that helps! They are there to tutor because they care! Typically, we just sit in the room waiting for people to come, so never feel as though you are bothering us: we want you there!!

Lastly, if taking basic notes hasn’t made any difference, ask your teachers if they’d be okay with you recording the lesson. I know for me, being able to recite the exact words of my teachers does more good as they go in depth with their explanations (of course.) If all else fails, keep detailed notes whether that be on paper, a computer, or a voice memo.


Ask Anaya (the REAL name of this columnist!) is an advice column to advise people on how to deal with their concerns and issues in the most positive way possible. I try my best to ensure that they will make decisions that will help them move forward on the right path. I hope you will write to me, in confidence, seeking my guidance. Just a reminder: I will not disclose any information sent to me. What you write will always remain anonymous. I encourage you to be creative with your usernames and send feedback so that this column will be successful in helping those who seek advice. You can email me at [email protected] or drop a note in our standing metal mailbox outside of the Art rooms. I look forward to reading your letters.

PEDIR Anaya es una columna de consejos para asesorar a las personas sobre cómo tratar mejor sus preocupaciones y problemas.​ Yo hago mi mejor esfuerzo para asegurarme que tu tomes la decicion correcta, ayudarte a avanzar de manera positiva. Yo espero que tu me escribas con confidencia, pidiendo mi ayuda. Un recordatorio, yo no voy a revelar ninguna información que me envies. Lo que tu escribas siempre va a ser anónimo. Te animo a que seas creativo con tus nombres de usuario y envíes comentarios para que esta columna sea exitosa para ayudar a quienes buscan consejos. Correo electrónico a [email protected]. Espero sus cartas.