What Friendship Means in our Senior Year


Carly Mengler and Mary Galgano

We have been “chicas” since 8th grade. Throughout these years, we have stayed close and always been there for each other. Going through high school together and all the drama has been difficult at times, but knowing that your best friend is by your side makes it better. Our “Frick and Frack” title has followed us for years, starting during field hockey freshman year. Our team would make jokes that we are inseparable and can’t function without being together. People find us weird sometimes and crazy, but it’s just how we are.

We share the same sense of humor and have always been able to make one another laugh. We have these psychic skills to know what the other one is thinking at a specific moment. Senior year, specifically the first half of the year, can be very stressful. Having someone to turn to and be able to have fun with wherever you are or whatever you are doing is very important. We have always been able to make light of uncomfortable or somewhat upsetting situations.

We have been able to be honest with each other – true friends can tell one another what they think without filtering themselves. We look out for each other and are not afraid to call each other out when we are being crazy. Friends who can be honest and open with each other are so important; to have someone you can trust with anything makes high school that much easier to get through.

Senior year highlights the idea that after this, staying in touch with your peers is suddenly a choice. We will no longer be together everyday. We have to choose who we will continue to communicate with. We have an easy choice because honestly, life would be very hard without one another. We will continue to be there for one another and make each other laugh as we enter college.

Best friends are the ones who bring out the best in you – they are the “go-to” whenever something happens.
Catch us at the high school reunion looking hot as ever 😉

Carly Mengler will be attending West Conn in the fall; her BFF, Mary Galgano, will be attending Stonehill College.