Ask Suzanne: Our Advice Column for Readers


Dear readers,
ASK SUZANNE is an advice column to advise people as to how to best deal with their concerns and issues. I try my best to ensure that you will make the best decisions to help you move forward in positive ways. I hope you will write to me, in confidence, seeking my guidance. Just a reminder: I will not disclose any information sent to me. What you write will always remain anonymous. I encourage you to be creative with your usernames and send feedback so that this column will be successful in helping those who seek advice. You can email me at [email protected]. Thanks! I look forward to reading your letters.
Suzanne = ]

Hey Suzanne,
I did something I really regretted last weekend. I went over to my boyfriend’s house and spent the night there, even though my mom told me not to. She said I’m not old enough to stay at a boy’s house. She never understands anything I do. Anyways, when I got back to school, I overheard a conversation where people were talking about his old girlfriend, that she was just recently diagnosed with HPV, and now I’m in a panic. I don’t know what to do now. Should I tell my parents? Or go to my boyfriend? I don’t have any money to go see a doctor and I’m really worried. Please answer back soon.

Dear big-girls_dont-cry101,
This is a big problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. I recommend talking to your parents. Most parents are there to help and guide you through life. Once you’ve gotten over the fear of telling your parents the news, then you should go talk to your boyfriend. It’s important he know because this will also affect him. After observing other situations like this, I can say that he will react in one of two ways. Either he (and his parents) will accept the news and offer to help get you both checked out or he will break off the relationship. I’m not saying these are two definite reactions, but this is something that might happen. You need to be prepared for anything.

I would try to get a doctor appointment right away, as HPV can turn into cancer if left untreated. Although HPV is common, it’s very serious and needs to be checked out and monitored. This can be your safety net for asking for help. Another option is asking friends or relatives if they can help you either financially or through emotional support.
I really hope this helped, and if you need any more advice feel free to contact me. I’m always here to help.
~ Suzanne = ]


I’m not sure if you have heard about No Shave November. The gist of it is, guys don’t shave for the whole month to raise awareness for various causes. And all my friends are going to do it but my dad FORBID me from doing it with them. He said I would look like a crazed maniac if I did it. Granted, I don’t look my best with a beard, but I don’t want to be left out. How can I get my dad onboard with No Shave November?
P.S – Which is better, mustaches or beards?

Dear Ratadude__forevas,
I know it’s appealing to do what your friends are doing, but remember you shouldn’t do something because your friends are doing it. Make sure this is something that you are comfortable doing. If you explain to your dad the reasoning behind No Shave November, maybe he will understand it better and allow you to participate.

I think mustaches are better than beards. Mustaches remind me of those old black and white movies that have evil villains with handlebar mustaches. I hope this helped.
~Suzanne = ]


Dear Suzanne,
I’m a freshman this year, and I heard about your column after overhearing a conversation about it in school. I found some old Bear Facts newspapers and read them. I love it, especially the music reviews!

So, I’ve been having some trouble fitting in with my other classmates. Last year, I was in classes with all of my friends, but this year I’m in classes with sophomores and juniors. I don’t know any of them. Most time, I think they are making fun of me. I’m constantly looking around to see if they are talking about me. All this anxiety has made me fall behind in my classes. My teacher said if I don’t do better, they are going to move me back into the regular classes. If I am transferred, then I get to be with my friends. But my family will be disappointed in me if I’m not in advanced classes. I don’t know how to solve this dilemma. Please help me.
Mr. Peabody-and-Sherman

Dear Mr. Peabody-and-Sherman,
I understand that it can be hard to make new friends when coming into a new school. My advice to you is to try to get out of your comfort zone and approach new people. I know it’s difficult to let go of your old friends, but meeting new people allows new opportunities. One way you can do this is asking your classmates for help on homework. Or asking them if they want to study with you.
I’m sure if you follow my advice you’ll make new friends. And this might help bring your grade up since you won’t be worrying about making friends. Hope this helped and have a great freshman year!

~Suzanne = ]


Queridos leyentes,
PREGUNTA SUZANNE es una columna de consejos para asesorar a las personas sobre cómo tratar mejor sus preocupaciones y problemas.​ Yo hago mi mejor esfuerzo para asegurarme que tu tomes la decicion correcta, ayudarte a avanzar de manera positiva. Yo espero que tu me escribas con confidencia, pidiendo mi ayuda. Un recordatorio, yo no voy a revelar ninguna información que me envies. Lo que tu escribas siempre va a ser anónimo. Te animo a que seas creativo con tus nombres de usuario y envíes comentarios para que esta columna sea exitosa para ayudar a quienes buscan consejos. Gracias! Espero sus cartas.
Suzanne =]

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