Bear Facts Travels to Africa and Inspires Soldiers


Thanks to the efforts of Brewster High School’s Semper Fi club and their efforts to support currently deployed soldiers, the Bear Facts newspaper traveled further than it’s ever been. In a recent care package from the club, the members included several copes of the last issue of Bear Facts, where we covered the Brewster Performing Arts production of The Letters: Voices from the Great War. Recently, we received a response regarding this inclusion from Company Commander Matt Allen, currently deployed in the Horn of Africa. Here is his response:

I very much enjoyed the copy of the Bear Facts school newspaper. The work you all put into creating The Letters: Voices from the Great War was inspiring. As a service member, I share a special connection with those that have served before us. We enjoy the support of the nation because we stand on the soldiers of giants: the veterans who paved the way ahead of us. Those men and women selflessly served our nation. Far too may did not get the recognition they deserved. When I miss home and my morale is low, I find that reading biographies of service members who have experienced much greater hardship is a way for me to get out of myself and to be truly thankful for what I have. I am a part of something much greater, and it is helpful for me to remember that.

We sincerely thank the efforts of Semper Fi in reaching out to these soldiers, and we gratefully thank the efforts of our troops for their service. As such, Bear Facts will now be included in every care package that Semper Fi sends out to them.